Aspergillus niger

Aspergillus niger

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Aspergillus niger

Aspergillus niger Scientific Information

Aw 0.77; Optimum > 0.97. Conidia dimensions 3.5 - 5 microns or 4 to 5 microns.

Aspergillus niger Growth Characteristics

It has a musty odor.

Where is Aspergillus niger found?

It is commonly found in the environment on textiles, in soils, grains, fruits and vegetables. It has been reported to cause skin and pulmonary infections. It is a common cause of fungal related ear infections-otomycosis.

Aspergillus niger Health Effects

Less common cause of aspergillosis.

Is Aspergillus niger a "black mold"


Aspergillus images

aspergillus aspergillus-2 aspergillus-clacatus-2 aspergillus-clavatus aspergillus-clavatus2 aspergillus-flavus

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